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Saturday, March 24, 2007

Red Thread Poem

A red thread to China was cast today
From us to a child so far away.
This thread symbolizes an attachment of hearts
That distance alone can't keep us apart.

Her mother and I are caught in a chase
That time alone will bring us to face
This loving young child we want so much to greet
With love in our hearts before we did meet.

This tiny, thin thread may stretch, tangle or fray
But our love for her grows stronger each day.
Through the test of time it won't break or sever
She'll be part of us forever and ever.

With oceans between us, the distance is spanned
By a love that is greather than man could have planned.
For God in His mercy loved her and us
And decided our family would be a great plus.

So for now we'll just love her and pray every day
That God keeps her and loves her for us till we may
Travel to China, that land of great past,
To the side of our daughter, to hold her at last.


An Ultrasound,
Or Referral.
Our first peek at,
Our boy or girl.
Some are Pregnant,
We're Adopting.
What's the Diff'rence.
Really Nothing.

Some come by Stork,
Some come by Plane,
When they arrive,
It's all the same.
Our boys and girls,
Despite the path,
Still need our love,
Our hugs and laughs.

We dream daily,
How she's doing,
What she looks like,
How she's feeling.
Is She Healthy,
And do they care,
Is she happy,
Or is she scared.

Do they hold her,
Rock her to sleep,
Do they give her,
Enough to eat.
I vent my fears,
Four words per line,
I let them out,
With words that rhyme.

We read the books,
On Week-by-Week,
On how she grows,
And best car seats.
I watch the clock,
And Calendar too.
Trying to guess,
When she is due.

Not for the day,
When she arrives,
But for the day,
She joins our lives.
Because one day,
Out of the blue,
Our girl is born,
Somehow we knew.

We are pregnant,
In our own way,
All celebrate,"Forever Day".
Despite my fears,
I must have faith,
Warm and healthy,
I know she's safe.

How do I wait?
I've asked before,
The Pregnant wait,
I'll wait some more.

Tom McCrossin(C) September 28, 2002